Charitable Objectives

  1. For the public benefit to promote the physical enhancement and beautification of publicly accessible spaces in such London Boroughs as the trustees shall determine, by the planting of trees and securing their guardianship

  2. To promote the conservation, protection and improvement of the physical and natural environment for the public benefit, in particular by encouraging tree planting in publicly accessible spaces in such London Boroughs as the trustees shall determine to increase biodiversity and promote the benefits of a healthy relationship between trees and humans.

    Link To Charity Commission Website >>

Our Trustees

Trustees oversee STFL's work, ensuring that the charity benefits the public. Trustees make decisions collectively and work as a team to lead the charity. Trustees are also responsible for managing the charity's resources effectively.

  • Charlotte Atkinson, Treasurer

  • Elly Bagnall, Secretary

  • Jo Goddard, Vice Chair

  • Raj Joneja

  • Sophie McGeevor

  • Gavin Moore, Chair

  • Xanthe Mosley

  • Greg Packman

  • Liam Sollis


Xanthe Mosley - Chair

After twenty five years living in the West Country, Xanthe moved to Deptford in 2011 and joined a local amenity group as ‘Tree Officer’. She became Chair of STfL in 2019 and was a driving force behind STfL becoming an independent charity that same year.

Xanthe brings to her role at STfL a great love of trees and forests, and experience and knowledge about planting trees, which can be seen through her paintings and drawings of trees that capture in fine detail their structure, textures and vitality. Xanthe also has excellent experience of working in partnership with local authorities.

As an artist Xanthe enjoys capturing the essence of trees in daily paintings and drawings, and as STfL Chair she enjoys her community work to protect and nurture young trees so that they survive and flourish.

Xanthe was highly commended for the Forestry Commission 2018 Acorn Award.


Iliana Myles - Secretary

Iliana works as a project manager in local government. She believes street trees reclaim public spaces for people, promote active travel, and enable people to enjoy spending time in their local neighbourhood.

Iliana chaired a governance review of STfL's activities which supported STfL's decision to become an independent charity. As a trustee, she is passionate about supporting the charity's growth and providing empowering volunteering opportunities for everyone.

Iliana enjoys cycling in Lewisham and appreciating the street trees along the way.

Greg Packman

Greg has been working with trees since 2009 as a tree surgeon, consultant and tree officer, and feels very lucky to be able to see amazing trees and work in amazing locations!

Greg finds trees endlessly fascinating; every time you find something new it opens up a new rabbit hole to explore! Outside of Greg’s job with trees he does a lot of voluntary work with a number of organisations to connect people with trees.


Raj Joneja

Raj is a long term south-east London resident and finance professional with 12 years experience in roles ranging from web communications to algorithmic interest rate trading.

He is an organiser of Runhead community running club, the New Cross and Deptford Free Film festival and is a volunteer with Flysheet Camps who take underprivileged children on camping holidays in rural woodland near the Peak District.

Raj spent his childhood summers running through the woods in Cornwall and now enjoys running through the streets of south east London, seeking out green spots and trees wherever they are hidden!

Liam Sollis headshot STfL.jpeg

Liam Sollis

Growing up in South London, Liam used to love exploring and playing in the woodlands on Tooting Common. This evolved into a personal and professional appreciation of how integral trees, wildlife and our environment are to our wellbeing. Now a long-time South-East London resident he is committed to improving our local environment through the planting of more trees.

Liam is currently Head of International Policy and Advocacy at UNICEF UK, where he has led the organisation’s work on a range of issues varying from child health to air pollution and climate change. He has spent many years working on topics related to people’s health and wellbeing in cities, both in the UK and around the world.


Jo Goddard - Vice Chair

Jo is the founder of sustainability consultancy Green & Good Consulting.  She has been a sustainability practitioner for 12 years and works with businesses to implement sustainability strategy. Her love of environmental issues developed whilst travelling and she has spent her career influencing businesses to better protect the environment since.

Jo has a deep knowledge of human rights and environmental issues and has sat on the UK Equality and Human Rights Commission Working Group for Business and Human Rights. She is a Board Advisory Panel member for Heart of the City, a judge for the Better Society Awards, a fellow of the Royal Society of Arts, and strategic board advisor to environmental CIC DIYGogo.