What we do and how we do it

The one who plants trees, knowing that they will never sit in their shade, has at least started to understand the meaning of life.
— Rabindranath Tagore

What we do

  • STfL plants over 500 street trees across the London Borough of Lewisham yearly.

  • We publicise and raise funds to support Lewisham Council's street tree planting scheme and liaise with the council on behalf of residents.

  • We support Street Reps, Area Reps, Tree Guardians and Sponsors by offering initial planting surveys, providing information and flyers and attending local meetings.

  • We work closely with schools and community groups to assist in sourcing local sponsorship and creating green corridors.

  • We promote and nurture community interest and engagement in street trees across Lewisham.

How we do it

  • One of our ambitions is to change the face of community participation by thinking differently about the creative contribution that diversity brings to the charity. Read our Diversity and Inclusion Statement to find out more.

  • Trustees manage the long-term aims of the campaign, nurture the charity’s relationship with the council and other public bodies, and in most cases take on other roles, as below.

  • Street Reps consult with residents to promote planting in their street. They distribute flyers, canvas, raise funds, manage tree watering and represent the street in cases of multiple planting.

  • Area Reps, and a Project Manager, support our Street Reps, and provide liaison between them and the council.

  • Tree Waterers water and keep an eye on individual street trees and sponsors pledge small or large sums to pay for street trees.

Meet the team

Meet Marie-Claire Denyer - Managing Director & LBL Consultant

Marie-Claire focuses on street tree planting within schools, social housing and over-developed parts of the borough, managing Lewisham Blossoms and The School Trees Project, and currently coordinating the development of STfL in order to bring it to other boroughs outside of Lewisham. Marie-Claire also acts as STfL’s web designer and builder.

Meet Oli Back - Communities Blossom Coordinator

Oli's role within Street Trees for Living is to introduce the Communities Blossom project to new London boroughs. Over the coming years Oli aims to deliver the School Trees Project outside of Lewisham, expanding the work of Street Trees for Living across the capital. He also manages the administrative systems and processes within the charity.

Meet Madeleine Tuinstra - STfL Project Manager and Area Rep Coordinator

Madeleine manages STfL’s residential planting program and co-ordinates its PR and social media activities. Her backgrounds in Public Relations for local government and environment charities allow her insights which are well suited to STfL, and in turn, she is able to engage her own interests in environmental and community issues.

Meet the Area Reps