Our love of London is strong, from the parks to the people, we would be nothing without you

Photo by Lorna Jackson

Photo by Lorna Jackson

You can volunteer in any of the following roles:

  • Area Reps oversee and support the planting of approximately 25 new street trees in and across the borough each year. The Area Rep provides support for the Street Reps in a given area. The time commitment is estimated at approximately 6 hours a week averaged over a year [for full job description see end of page]

  • Maintenance Team members prune and tidy up young trees. You can join small teams that meet at one-off events at weekends, or take on occasional work most easily carried out with a car. We are especially keen to build up our mobile team. Please note that all volunteering and maintenance is undertaken at the volunteer’s own risk.

  • Trustees manage the long-term aims of the campaign, nurture the charity’s relationship with the council and other public bodies, and in most cases take on other roles as well. Applicants with relevant knowledge or skills especially welcome e.g. lobbying, arboricultural knowledge, charity or employment law, bid-writing, accountancy skills.

  • Tree Waterers water and keep an eye on individual street trees funded by Street Reps or Sponsors. If you would like to water a tree but there are none nearby, STfL may be able to find a tree for you, but your best bet may be to become a Street Rep or a Sponsor yourself!

If you would like to volunteer for any of the roles above, or give your time in any other way, please register interest by clicking the button


Current vacancies:

The fight for racial equality

The struggles for equality and need for climate justice are now more apparent than ever, especially because communities of black, asian or ethnic minorities suffer more than other communities from a lack of access to local green space and exposure to air pollution.

Street Trees for Living is now addressing these inequalities. Even though the majority of our work is in one of the most ethnically diverse boroughs in the UK, our core volunteer team is overwhelmingly white. We want to change this and it is of vital importance to us that we are actually able to hear underrepresented voices in our communities, working together with the right spokespeople toward eliminating institutional racism and becoming actively antiracist.

If you would like to become a member of our ever-growing volunteer team please click here

We look forward to hearing from you!