Lewisham’s residential street tree planting campaign

Put local people at the heart of tree-planting projects: studies show that getting local communities on board is key to the success of tree-planting projects.
— The Ten Golden Rules of Tree Planting, The Royal Botanical Gardens Kew

Plant a street tree

Our residential street tree campaign is currently running in Lewisham borough only. A donation to STfL offers Lewisham residents the opportunity to plant a street tree or even avenues of trees, and have a say about where trees goes and what kind of tree is planted. Residents, street groups, schools, societies, organisations and businesses are all advised to register as soon as possible to avoid disappointment, noting the small print

***Rounds are now OPEN for 2024/25 winter planting*** Please register via the button below for planting during winter 2024/25. Deadline to register interest for 2024/25 winter planting is January 31st 2024.

Here's how it works!

  • Choose your tree from a selection of species* and decide on pavement location (subject to council approval)

  • Receive a winter planting of a five-year-old tree, approx 4m high with two stakes

  • STfL will attach, if requested, a tree-label with your name, or one in commemoration

  • Your tree is guaranteed against failure or damage in the first two years after planting. All we require from tree guardians is a commitment to water the tree for three years and a donation of £350 per tree

  • Please note that in order for your trees to be planted within the next winter season your expression of interest must have been registered by the January before. I.e. for planting winter 2024-25 you must register your interest by January 2024. There is a long lead time due to the complicated nature of planting trees in streets!

The cost of planting each tree is approx. £470. Of this cost, Lewisham Council will contribute £120 per tree. £320 of your contribution will fund the planting of the tree and £30 will fund the Charity’s administration costs associated with the project. Any donations received which are over and above those necessary to complete the project will be applied towards the general charitable purposes of Street Trees for Living.

*which will remain the property of the council

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Become a Street Rep and plant multiple trees

Single plantings are great, but multiple plantings are even better!! Become a Street Rep and coordinate multiple plantings with your neighbours to plant trees up and down your street.

Street Reps distribute flyers, canvass for support and funds, manage local tree watering and represent the street in cases of multiple planting and sponsorship.

As a Street Rep you have a say over the choice of tree species and tree locations on your street, potentially enabling the planting of a tree directly outside your house.

Becoming a Street Rep helps to make a big difference within your local area and instantly introduces you to your neighbours and your local community.

Associated sponsorship donations can be used at the discretion of Street Trees for Living in furtherance of its charitable aims. See charity link at the bottom of the page for more information.