Questions answered

How much is the donation towards a street tree?

We require from sponsors a commitment to water the tree for two years and a donation of £350 per tree. The cost of planting each tree will be approximately £500. Of this cost, Lewisham Council will contribute £150 per tree. £320 of your contribution will fund the planting of the tree and £30 will fund the charity’s administration costs associated with the project. There is a limited number of spaces for tree planting available and donations will be allocated to available spaces on a first-come first-served basis. Any donations received which are over and above those necessary to complete the project will be applied towards the general charitable purposes of Street Trees for Living.

The donation is on the understanding that the sponsor will water the tree for two years using this guidance. It includes an approx 4m tree with two stakes, a guaranteed replacement if the tree fails or is vandalised in the first two years, and a label carrying the sponsor's name, or a name in commemoration, on request.

When will my tree be planted?

Your tree or trees will be planted October to March, following our confirmation of your order. We are rarely able to give precise information about the timing of planting.

Can I buy more than one street tree?

Yes! And we would love it if you did! If you need help with fundraising or finding waterers you could become a Street Rep. For more info have a look at our Plant a tree page.

What is the survival rate of trees planted by Street Trees for Living?

Thanks to our Tree Waterers our trees have a survival rate of over 95% per annum, a much higher percentage than most other local authorities. Watering is far and away the most important factor in determining whether a tree thrives.

How do street trees benefit our society?

Street trees offer a reminder of nature among the hard edges and surfaces of the city. They help to keep air fresh and clean, shield us from the noise and nuisance of traffic, and provide an ecosystem for humans and non-humans.

They provide biodiversity & wildlife, shading & temperature regulation, reduce the risk of flooding and toxic air mortality, and as part of the world’s tree population, reduce global warming.

Studies show they have a beneficial effect on mental health, work-productivity, business profits, traffic speeding, road rage and crime. We are still discovering ways in which our mental and physical well-being is connected with trees.

Can I plant a tree in remembrance or celebration?

Yes you can. Every Street Trees for Living tree is given a label. Sponsors can request that it includes brief memorial wording referring to name and dates, at the discretion of the council.

What about subsidence?

Each case is unique when it comes to the risk of subsidence, if you are concerned about subsidence in your area please speak to your Area Rep. You can find out who this is by e-mailing

How can I contribute to the work of STfL?

Volunteer! We are always on the look out for volunteers. If you are interested in finding out more take a look at our Volunteer page. If you would prefer to make a one-off donation to contribute to the running costs of our campaign you can do so here.


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