Grow Back Together

STfL, Lewisham Council, & the exciting new Eco Tech organisation Greentalk, have been awarded money by the Mayor of London to pilot an innovative project helping to increase Lewisham’s tree stock.

A condition of this planting is that the new trees must go where a Lewisham tree previously once stood.

The project aims to plant where trees will have maximum benefit for the residents of Lewisham by targeting priority wards that meet the following criteria:

    • Lowest air quality

    • Highest flood risk

    • Lowest number of trees (canopy cover)

The council has located sites where trees used to grow - vacant tree pits – and Greentalk is bringing these to the public via an interactive map. Keep your eyes peeled as you walk through the borough, as these pits have also been marked out on the pavement using stencilled QR codes (see example opposite).

All we have to do now is plant and water 100 trees!

New trees are most vulnerable during their first three years due to lack of water, so we need your help. Would you like to join our 500+ strong team of volunteers and become an STfL Tree Guardian? Anyone who lives or works in Lewisham can get involved, as long as they live or work within close walking distance to one of the pits. It’s free, easy and enjoyable.

If you are interested in taking part then visit our Grow Back Together website to get interactive and find a vacant tree pit near you - so that we can…

The panel thought that this project makes a valuable contribution to the area and has used a novel approach to tree maintenance and community engagement
— Martin Petry - Grow Back Greener Fund